Milk & More Newsletter

Milk & More Newsletter

Milk & More Newsletter

In line with the business rebrand, we gave the Milk & More newsletter a new look and feel for 2018.

Project Name:

Milk & More Newsletter

The brief:

To update the regular Milk & More Newsletter and align it with the new brand look and feel for 2018.

What SKil did:

Before jumping into the newsletter creation, we took it upon ourselves to do a little bit of research. We asked a handful of employees at Milk & More for their views on what they’d like to see in the newsletter. We found this such a vital part of the process, as it led us to some really great and honest ideas on what content we should be featuring. There’s nothing like listening to your audience! Readers wanted more imagery and some variety over the types of features we included (a mix of corporate as well as non-corporate). The real stand out for us was that recognition features were highly regarded, which is why we have now planned space in each edition to showcase particular groups of people for their hard work and achievements over each quarter.