RAC Ramblers - Charity Campaign

RAC Ramblers - Charity Campaign

RAC Ramblers – Charity Campaign

A charity campaign raising money for the Royal British Legion.

Project Name:

RAC Ramblers – Charity Campaign

The brief:

To launch a campaign for a client who has organised a World War One charity walk, on behalf of the Royal British Legion. The campaign requires the creation of a team logo, as well as writing up a biography on each member. All campaign materials will output on the team’s Twitter, Facebook and Just-Giving pages.

What SKil did:

Produced a great logo, reflecting the team’s personality, heritage and mission. We carried out in-depth interviews with all 3 individuals, working up fully designed biographies, which were also used as posters. The biographies really allowed people to really ‘get to know’ the team and connect with them. The walk is sure to be a success and the final total raised and donated to the Royal British Legion will be revealed in September 2018 – good luck RAC Ramblers!